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XML/EDI XML/XSL Example - Fill-In-Form

This form is being developed as a test scenario for ordering product and creating an XML/EDI message. The form has a DTD which is used as the information model. The DTD is partially derived from Martin Bryan's (Martin Bryan, The SGML Centre) DTD available in the XML/EDI document "Guidelines for using XML for Electronic Data Interchange".

NOTE: I have converted the "Guidelines for using XML for Electronic Data Interchange" document to XML. This document is available for viewing in XML either styled or unstyled. In order to view the styled document you must use either Microsoft IE 5.0 or Doczilla. The style for this document has been created using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Comments should be sent to Betty Harvey.

What This Demonstration Does:

This demonstration walks the participant through a book ordering scenario. The order is created using HTML forms. The order is processed to a valid XML instance based on a SGML/XML DTD (Document Type Definition) through a CGI script that can then be displayed to the end-user using the XSL Style Sheet. If this were a real application, the XML instance (file) could be transported to the proper channels for completing the order and billing.

Please Complete the Form.

Book Title





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